Health Economy Workforce Models

We have developed models that span across whole healthcare economies based on developing new talent, apprenticeships and placements, through to whole system rotas and management of staff across several providers, across several sites.

These models have been developed across acute trust and independent provider provision to deliver a workforce for now and for the future. Utilising our partnerships with overseas recruiters we worked with the IS provider to start the recruitment process, whilst within the UK we developed an academy to support the development of new staff into theatres.

We have developed rotational models that are based on utilising the skillsets of existing staff, new staff, students, newly qualified and staff that are at the twilight years of their career. Through these models we have been able to deliver consistent models of care, that are sustainable for the next 5-7 years and have ensured a workforce for the future.

This approach enables newly qualified staff the peer support and mentorship, without being thrown deep into the challenging environments of A&E and Trauma.

To discuss the impact of this and find out more on this project contact us


Community Diagnostic Provision