Short Courses.

We have curated a series of short courses to develop a knowledge base over areas that we get asked to discuss. Our courses range from approaching sales in the NHS, through to how to approach procurement. Within each module there is resources for downloading or further reading.

Our courses do have completion certification however, we are not CPD accredited.

Selling to the NHS
One time

A short course looking at approaching sales in the NHS, how to sell your product and how to make your sale a success.

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Responding to a Procurement
One time

This short course looks at ways a provider or supplier should look at a procurement exercise, the steps taken to increase your chances of success and key lessons learnt over conducting many exercises.

✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Become part of our content network
✓ Get offers on other short courses

What people are saying

“This short course is designed exactly for someone like me. Having pressures to promote my services to the NHS and needing to start to understand how.”

— Service Manager, Diagnostic Services.