Population Health and Data Projects.

Using data to inform health and wellbeing is essential to commission the right services, in the right places, for the right people, at the right time. We have developed data toolkits and platforms that help inform systems of their performance, of where interventions could be made and modelling for the future.

We have vast experience of developing data models to improve system performance, system knowledge and improving the population health outcomes.

We have developed dashboards and toolkits for:

  • Internal metrics including service models and optimised delivery models

  • Urgent Care Waiting Times (pan city)

  • Provider Capacity and Demand dashboards

  • Primary Care workforce models

  • Urgent Care workforce models

  • Diagnostic Imaging workforce models

  • Population Health and interventions dashboards

Our models and dashboards allow for operational delivery, and are not based on “numerical calculations” but around real life application including working patterns, flexible workforce, peaks in demand, skill mix and patient presentations.

To find out more contact us.


Sports Medicine Pathways


Health Ecosystems